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Setting up User Access Level internally

Avestor provides fund managers with the ability to select different types of access levels for users who have access to the management portal. Below is a summary of the various types of roles available. Certain pages will be restricted from access depending on the role that is assigned to an individual.

Based on your subscription type, you have a certain amount of users. To add a user, or update a role, please create a ticket to put in your request.

Role Description
Primary fund manager The primary fund manager account has access to all portal capabilities. This includes the ability to access confidential investor information including licenses, social security numbers and other personal information. Only one email account can be designated as the primary fund manager. All system notifications currently only go to the primary fund manager email. If notifications are required for multiple users, sponsors should set up a separate email i.e. ( as the primary fund manager role and then forward notifications using rules in their email program.
Fund Manager A fund manager account has access to all portal capabilities. This includes the ability to access confidential investor information including licenses, social security numbers and other personal information.
Investor Relations This role allows the user to access all investor information, including personal data, to support any investor questions. The role also permits the user to reset investor passwords. The investor relations role permits the user to view/gather soft commits from investors, execute e-sign and also manage investment documents. The role does not allow the user to create/change deals or investments. The role also does not have access to any accounting capabilities.
Fund Operations This role is focused on managing operations of the fund. It does not have access to confidential user data. The role permits creating/managing deals and investments, viewing/gathering soft commits, converting a deal to investments & executing e-sign. It also allows allocation of earnings, managing fund information and handling accounting functions. The role cannot reset investor passwords.
Virtual Operations Assistant This role should be used when using outside support for managing fund operations. The role is limited to being able to create/manage deals and investments, manage fund suppliers, allocate earnings to investors and manage the fund overview page. The role does permit the user to execute esign on demand to send specific documents to investors for electronic signature. This role does not have access to any investor information.
Accountant This role provides access to investor portfolio information but does not provide access to investor’s confidential and personal information. The role has access to accounting capabilities of the system.
Attorney This role provides access to confidential investor information including driver’s license, accreditation letters, KYC/AML, fee structures for investors and investor documents. It also allows the user to review the deal/investment specific documents that are being shared with investors. Finally, the role permits the user to review the fund overview page and fund documents.




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