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Flow of Capital in & out a Fund

This article should help clarify which funds flow into and out of the fund bank account and the management entity bank account.

​Fund Bank Account​
Incoming money flows

  • Investor capital

  • Manager capital

  • Operating income from investments

  • Principal returned from investments

  • Interest, dividends or capital gains from investments

Outgoing money flows

  • Investments made by the fund

  • Loans originated by the fund

  • Investor distributions out from the fund

  • Loans originated by the fund

  • Fund expenses

  • Fund manager income (also a fund expense)

​Management Entity Bank Account​

Incoming money flows

  • Equity capital from partners / co-managers

  • Manager income from the Fund

  • Expense reimbursements to Manager for fund expenses paid by management entity

Outgoing money flows

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