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How to Add Additional Investing Accounts

1. Log Into Your Account

  • After logging in, look at the left-hand side of the screen and select Investing Accounts.

2. Create a New Account

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Create New.
  • A drop-down menu will appear with various account types to choose from. Select the type of account you want to create (e.g., Joint Account).

3. Name the Account

  • In the box labeled Account Name, create a nickname for the account.
    • For example: Joint Account with Sean.
  • Fill out all the required information in the fields provided.

4. Add a Secondary Person (If Needed)

  • If it’s a joint account, you will need to provide the details of the second person.
  • Scroll down and input the secondary person’s information.

5. Save the Account

  • Once all the information is filled in, click Save to create the new account.

6. Enroll the Account in a Fund

  • After saving, locate the newly created account in your list of investing accounts.
  • Click Enroll Now next to the account name.
  • When prompted, confirm that you want to enroll using the joint account by selecting Yes.

7. Complete the PPM and Agreement Process

  • The system will walk you through signing the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) and the subscription agreement.
  • Review the documents carefully and click Start to begin the process.
  • Make sure you understand everything you’re agreeing to as you proceed through the documents.

8. Download the Signed Documents

  • Once you’ve completed and signed the PPM and agreement, you will have the option to Download the document to save for your records.

9. Await Manager Approval

  • After signing, the status will show Waiting for Approval.
  • The fund manager will review your submission and countersign the document.
  • Once approved, the new account will appear in the drop-down list of your investing accounts.
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