Transition Instructions to new investor portal

Updated by Sanjay Vora

Your new investor portal is ready. Please follow the below instructions to ensure a smooth transition.

1) Review your new investor portal

  • Old URL:{your fund}
  • New URL:{your fund}

2) Confirm the logo on the login page is the size and color you want. If not, you can update the logo as follows:

  • Log into the sponsor portal
  • Go to Operations / Manage Fund Documents
  • Replace the logo with a new logo (2600 (w) x 700 (h) pixels (600x300 minimum))

3) Confirm the right image on the login page is the look you want. You can update the login page image as follows:

  • Log into the sponsor portal
  • Go to Operations / Manage Fund Documents
  • The image type is LoginSiteImageForWeb. Replace the image with a new image. (target 531 (w) x 632 (h) pixels)

4) Using an email address that is currently not being used in the Avestor platform, register on the platform as a new user.

5) After logging in as an investor, review the fund banner. If you want to change the banner, you can do the following:

  • Log into the sponsor portal
  • Go to Operations / Manage Fund Documents
  • The image type is LegalEntityBanner. Replace the image with a new banner image. (target size 1920 (w) x175 (h) pixels)

6) Go through the registration flow similar to an investor to ensure you understand the capabilities. Log out of the portal after you have fully registered yourself.

7) Go the manager portal and approve Steps 1 & 2 but do not approve Step 3 as this is a test investor account.

8) You can log back into the investor portal after you approve Steps 1 & 2 on manager portal to see the messages on the investor portal to the investor.

9) After you have tested the account, you can delete the test investor account from the manager portal under View & Approve Registrations.

10) Communicate to your investor base the new URL and transition over. Do not use both portals in parallel.

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