JP Morgan Chase (previously First Republic) Certificate of Beneficial Owners - Instructions

Updated by Sanjay Vora

JP Morgan Chase (previously First Republic) will request fund managers to fill out a beneficial owners form for each account. Below is a copy of the form.  Some field may be filled out when you receive the form for electronic signature.

Please fill out the form as follows:

Control person - the bank requires a single point of contact that is called the control person for each account. If your fund has more than one executive, then select one person to be the control person.

Entity Name – may be the Fund entity or the Manager entity

EIN – for the respective entity

Title – please use “Manager”, “General Partner” or “Executive” titlesUse this font, color and size for text.

Management Entity

  • Section A Certification Exemption – leave blank
  • Section B Control person – fill out key person responsible for account
  • Section C Beneficial owners – fill out with each beneficial owner & % ownership of entity

Fund Entity

  • Section A Certification Exemption – select the 2
    box – A Fund, Holding Company, Feeder…..
  • Control person – fill out key person responsible for account
  • Beneficial owners – keep this section blank

Sign and date the documents.

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